House Bye-Laws (Ref: Children)

1.    HOUSE




The Club shall be opened and ready for members from 8.00am daily. The various foods, beverage outlets and sports and other facilities have varying opening and closing hours.


A.      Associate Child and Junior Members are not allowed to bring in guests at any time.


B.     Playground - Children playground will be closed when it rains or when the ground is wet and slippery.

Playroom – everyone entering the playroom must first remove their footwear.

Members / Parents are requested to keep constant supervision of their children while they play at the playground and/or in the playroom. The Club will not be liable for any injuries / accidents as a result of playing at the playground and/or playroom. The playground and playroom are strictly for children below 9 years old.


C.     All children under 16 years old of age must leave the club premises by 10.00pm every day.


D.     All children under 16 years are strictly prohibited in the Badger Bar / Patio / Timber Deck / Eagle Arms and all children / persons under the age of 21 are strictly prohibited in the Member’ Lounge except as specifically provided for in the Bye-Laws.


E.    Junior Members aged 18 years and above are allowed to bring in guests to the food and beverage outlets with the written consent of their parents.


2.    BAR



Children below 21 years shall NOT purchase nor consume alcoholic beverages in the Club premises and shall NOT purchase and / or smoke cigarettes in the Club premises at all times.


Children under the age of 16 shall not be allowed into the Bars including the patio and timber deck of the Badger Bar except as specifically provided for in the Bye-Laws.


3.    SQUASH



Associate child members between the ages of 14 to 16 may book the courts in the normal manner except on Saturdays and Sundays where bookings shall be made only from 8.00am to 4.00pm.


Children under 13 years of age MUST play with an adult at all times.



Junior and associate child members are not eligible to play on open sessions after 4.00pm unless with prior consent of the Convenor or Sports Member.



4.    TENNIS



Courts No. 3 and No. 4, shall be reserved for Associate child members and children on weekends and public holidays from 9.00am to 3.30pm.





A.     Children under 12 years old shall only be permitted in the pool and its surroundings PROVIDED they are accompanied by an adult member of the Club who shall maintain constant supervision. The Committee will ban from the Club, any children not so accompanied or who misbehaved. Members will be fully responsible for the conduct and behavior of their children and will be liable to the Committee in respect of any damage or injury caused by the children and shall fully indemnify the Club in respect of any act or default on their or their children’s part.


B.     When in the swimming pool, children under 12 years old MUST be in the charge of a parent or any adult. This means the adult in charge must at all times be beside the pool keeping an eye.


C.      Children accompanied by a parent or any adult may use the pool to 9.00pm on weekdays and 9.30pm on weekends, eve of public holidays and school holidays.



Children under 5 years old may use the Ladies Changing room. From 5 years upwards, children MUST use the Changing Room allocated to their respective sex. Maid and servants are not permitted to enter the pool.



Only very small infants and the person in charge of them are allowed in the wading pool.



A.     Members wishing their children to join swimming lessons must fill and submit the appropriate forms.


B.     Members’ children enrolled in the swimming classes shall continue to be charged the prescribed fees unless the members have withdrawn them from the classes after filling the appropriate withdrawal forms.


C.      Children who are absent from four consecutive classes without notice or good reasons may have their names removed from the classes.


D.     Children are admitted to the appropriate classes in order of application.


E.      Children should be punctual for the swimming classes and parents shall fetch them without delay at the conclusion of the classes.



6.   GYM



Associate child members below the age of 16 years shall not be eligible for membership of the Gym. Associate child members 16 years and above are required to submit official parental consent together with their application for registration as registered members.



Children below 16 years old who are not registered as Gym Members shall be prohibited from entering the Gym premises except to call their parents.





Junior members and associate child members are not eligible to play during open court hours from 4.00pm to 6.00pm on weekdays and Saturdays, and during open court hours from 1.00pm and 6.00pm on Sundays and Public Holidays, except with prior consent from the Convenor.





The maximum number of books each library member can borrow each time is limited to three (3) books. Special Category books are limited to two (2).


9.      CHILDREN

Members / Parents are responsible for children below 12 years who are not able to use the Library unsupervised. The Librarian on duty should not be asked to ‘keep an eye’ on children below 12 while parents are somewhere else.